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Our man on the ground Kevin Starr Films has been busy once again, this time capturing one of the best sessions of the season. Featuring mother Banzai in all her glory, good wind, big 2nd reef bombs & the best in the world ready to send it on whatever came their way! Kick back and watch one of the best shows of wave riding on the planet. Edit: We Bodyboard

Identified riders (in no particular order): Mike Stewart, Jeff Hubbard, Dave Hubbard, Jared Houston, Damian King, Robin Legros, Mack Crilley, Ayaka Suzuki Crilley, Tanner McDaniel, Andre Botha, Manuela Freyre, Dudu Pedra, Koa Smith, Travis Smith, Daniel Zimba, Kuko Font, Pypyr Lluellen, Tanek Iokepa, Kuko Font, Max Ostrowski, Manea Fabisch, Keahi Parker, Ian McCaulley, Jessica Becker, Logan “Logz” Somoba, Tahiri Tehei, Huuti Hakahei, James Omitai, Ben Sawyer, Abe Fox Balmores, Moises Silva, Jericco Rosero and many, many more surfers and bodyboarders.

Music: The Star Slowly Fades – Of Water
Dip – Of Water
Center off Centre – Sven Karlsson
Damned – Under Earth
Dead City Blues (Instrumental Version) – Conditional