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jai taylor

9 minutes of pure uninterrupted shred with 17 year old Aussie super-grom Jai Taylor. Filmed on location in Indo
with the Bali Bodyboarding crew.

Jai’s accolades are extensive, Current Junior World #6 ‘24’, IBC Rookie of the year ‘24, Maldives Pro Junior Winner ’24’ and 2x Aussie champ to name but a few. The future of boogin is very bright indeed with young legends like Jai in the driving seat.

Edit: We Bodyboard
BB Youtube: @BalibodyboardingIndo

Supported by @invertedbb @nmdboardco & @sunzapper

Music: Liberty Spikes – Tellsonic
Flash Tunnel – Wellmess
Gold in Our Pockets (Instrumental Version) – Tigerblood Jewel
Snake Oil Salesman (Instrumental Version) – John T. Graham