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valentina diaz
03rd September 2020

Valentina Diaz Langdon // Best of

Seven minutes of action with Chilean charger Valentina Diaz Langdon. Edited by BdB Bodyboarding.

“Valentina Díaz was born in Chile. She met bodyboarding at the age of 15, which she began to practice more frequently at 17. After finishing school, she ventured to travel alone on her own financial means to Central America for 3 long months.”

“That definitely marked her, and she decided that traveling and adventure were tremendously seductive for her. Later, she decided to enter the world of competition; this rewarded her with great achievements, as being recognized as the best in her specialty in Chile and one of the best in the world, also being among the elite of the competition in high performance.”

“In parallel to her successful life as a competitor, she became the first professional bodyboarder recognized by the Chilean government.”

“She is also recognized as a big wave rider; she has been the one who has broken the record of surfing giant waves while traveling around the world, especially the wave surfed in Puerto Escondido, Mexico in 2018.”