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3 Perfect shallow reef sessions in Reunion Island filmed by local legend and pro drone pilot @Mrguits. Featuring all the local shredders going for it in the usual super high standard that we have become accustomed to from the island’s riders. Edit: We Bodyboard

@ziggy_easy Ziggy Cavier
@nonoo_gills – Arnaud Gillis
@oscardimack– Oscar Mack
@bacon.little – Romain Hoarau
@teahupo974 – Alexandre Allias Riviere
@valery.bouteleux – Bouteleux Valery
@borgohhh – Damien Borgomano

Music: RIP (to the Boys) (Instrumental Version) – Zorro
Act Calm – OTE
Pink Shroom – Arc De Soleil
Courage – Purple Dive